I Will Knot!

This is a site about knots: how to tie them, how to appreciate their beauty. Even the seriously knot-challenged among us can learn to tie many useful and popular knots by following along with the short, step-by-step instructional video clips on this site.

Before you begin, here are a couple quick knot-tying tips to keep in mind:

Okee-dokee, now it's time to choose a knot to learn from the list below. So fix yourself a nice hot beverage, grab your rope, and repeat confidently to yourself: I WILL KNOT!!


Stopper Knots

overhand knot

overhand knot

figure 8

figure 8

double-overhand knot

double-overhand knot




two half-hitches

two half-hitches

taut line

taut line

cow hitch

cow hitch


slip knot

slip knot



butterfly knot

butterfly knot


sheet bend

sheet bend

fishermans knot

fishermans knot

© 2024 Peter Hudson. All rights reserved.   This page last updated: 27 July 2024